Activate Marketing User: Gain Salesforce Campaign Access

The Salesforce setting known as the “Marketing User” checkbox is one of the more unique features. Located on the user record, activating this checkbox grants a user the privilege to create, modify, and delete campaign records, along with additional campaign management functionalities.

Therefore, if a user ever mentions being unable to create campaigns, your first point of investigation should be the “Marketing User” checkbox.

Salesforce Marketing User Checkbox Capabilities

Campaign Records Management:- Users with Read permission on contacts, Import permission on Leads, and Edit permission on campaigns can create, edit, and delete campaign records.

Campaign Member Statuses: Users can add or modify campaign member statuses, including changing the default status, from the campaign member statuses related list on campaign records.

Importing Campaign Members: From the campaign members-related list, users can import leads or contacts as campaign members. If accounts as campaign members are enabled, users can also import accounts.

Editing Campaign History: On lead or contact records, users with the “Marketing User” checkbox enabled can add new campaign history, edit related campaigns, or delete entries for single or multiple leads/contacts.

>> Without the “Marketing User” checkbox enabled, users can only edit the campaign history for a single lead or contact.

Enable a Marketing User in Salesforce

1. Navigate to the user’s record by searching for “users” in the Quick Find box within Setup. Locate the user’s record in the displayed list.

2. Click on the Edit button, and then check the “Marketing User” checkbox.

Checking Who’s a Marketing User

To efficiently manage marketing-specific permissions for user profiles in Salesforce, it’s crucial to ensure the Marketing User checkbox is accurately selected. One way to easily review your user base is by generating a report:

1. Navigate to the Reports tab in Salesforce and click the New button.

2. On the left-hand panel (category list), click All.

3. In the search report types box, enter “users.” Choose Users from the options that appear in the right-hand panel and click Start Report.

4. In the report builder, default fields like Profile are already included. Add Marketing User and User ID to the report.

5. Utilize the filters sub-tab on the left-hand panel to refine your results. The default filter often includes active users. Depending on your requirements, you can further filter users based on specific profiles, such as ‘Marketing,’ to identify those with or without the Marketing User checkbox.

Including the User ID field is recommended, especially if you plan to export the report, perform bulk updates, and reimport the data into Salesforce. This ensures a seamless process for making necessary changes to user permissions.

Access to Campaigns – Not Profiles or Permission Sets

The peculiarity of the “Marketing User” checkbox lies in its distinctive role in providing access to a unique set of permissions within Salesforce. Unlike permissions for actions such as deleting opportunity records, which are typically managed through profiles and permission sets for reusability, the “Marketing User” checkbox grants access to a specific segment of the organization.

In Salesforce, permissions for accessing various objects are usually controlled at the profile level through the profile’s ‘Object Settings.’ When configuring a user, a profile must be selected, and there exists a standard Marketing User profile. However, this profile only allows read-only access to campaign records. This is where the “Marketing User” checkbox becomes significant as it extends the capabilities of marketers beyond the limitations imposed by the standard Marketing User profile.

In essence, the checkbox serves as a unique permission that opens up additional functionalities for users, making it an exceptional feature in the Salesforce permission management landscape.

Note: Please be aware that profiles function in conjunction with permission sets and permission set groups. It’s important to note that Salesforce is gradually moving away from profiles and leaning towards the use of permission sets. For more details on this transition, refer to the guide below:

There is an idea submitted on the IdeaExchange proposing alignment with the standard permission set assignment. If you support this idea, consider upvoting it! (Note: One commenter has suggested a script that can run in the background to ensure the Marketing User checkbox is appropriately synchronized with user records. While I haven’t personally tested this script, it might be worthwhile to explore, especially in a sandbox with many users).


Understanding this permission is advantageous when handling user management tasks such as creating, updating, and freezing accounts. It deviates from conventional profiles and permission sets, making it essential to be aware of its impact.

To bring in new leads and contacts, you need to either import them into the leads section or read them in the contacts section.

If you enjoyed this guide, there are other important system details that marketing admins and marketers should be aware of.

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