Free Salesforce Certification Coupons

Are you in search of a Free Salesforce certification voucher or a discount coupon? Here are several methods to find one.

1. Participate in complimentary half-day Salesforce Certification Days webinars to receive $100 discount vouchers applicable towards a $200 Salesforce certification.

Participate in a complimentary half-day certification webinar and earn a $100 discount on a $200 Salesforce certification exam voucher.

Visit  for more information on the upcoming webinar.

1.1 Salesforce Certification Coupon/Voucher Codes List 2024

Note: If the coupon codes are not effective for you, we encourage you to participate in a Salesforce Certification Days webinar to obtain a voucher code. Register for upcoming webinars by following this link!

Feel free to share any voucher or coupon codes in the comments. If you come across any codes that are not functional, kindly inform us so that we can label them as expired!

2. Participate in Trailhead Quests for a chance to earn a Free Salesforce Certificate Voucher

Trailhead frequently organizes Quests that provide complimentary Salesforce Certification Vouchers and other goodies. Explore additional information about Trailhead Quests here!

3.Participate in a Trailblazer Community Group Meeting to win a Salesforce Certification Voucher / Coupon

Trailblazer community group meetings are an amazing way to meet and collaborate with fellow trailblazers. These meetings often offer Salesforce Certification Vouchers and other SWAG’s to the participants. You can find trailblazer community group meetings here.

Are Salesforce Certifications worth It?

Yes, Salesforce Certification can be worth it for individuals looking to advance their careers in the Salesforce ecosystem. Here are a few reasons why:

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