New in 2023: Data Cloud & AI Associate Salesforce Certifications

Salesforce, the CRM’s trailblazer, continues to evolve and expand its certification offerings. In the ever-changing landscape of technology, staying updated is crucial. With the impending launch of two new certifications, Salesforce professionals have even more reasons to stay ahead of the curve. This blog explores the Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant and AI Associate certifications.

Data Cloud Consultant Certificate -

The Data Cloud Accredited Professional exam is transforming, emerging as the Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant on September 6, 2023.

Data Cloud Consultant: Who's the Ideal Candidate?

While the certification’s specifics are yet to be disclosed, we can glimpse into the skills necessary for success in Data Cloud projects. Data management, development, business analysis, and more will likely be integral to this certification. Professionals skilled in Data Cloud will find themselves in high demand as organizations look to deploy GenAI solutions.

Salesforce Certified AI Associate Certificate

The Salesforce Certified AI Associate certification has been anticipated for months. This certification focuses on foundational skills in ethical and responsible data handling in the context of AI within CRM.

This certification, designed to cater to a broad audience, from business leaders to AI novices, confirms essential ethical AI and data utilization competencies. It serves as a stepping stone for pursuing advanced technical certifications in AI, addressing the growing need for AI expertise in the CRM landscape.

What Lies Ahead

Excitement is building around these certifications. Dreamforce, Salesforce’s flagship conference from September 12 to 14, will shed more light on these exciting additions. A session scheduled for September 13 at 11 am PT hints at more information about the Salesforce Certified AI Associate certification.


The Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant certification opens doors for professionals beyond Salesforce partners, marking an opportunity to future-proof careers. 

Stay tuned for updates on the Salesforce Certified AI Associate certification, as Dreamforce is expected to bring more revelations. These certifications are about acquiring relevant knowledge and thriving in the dynamic world of Salesforce and AI.

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